Presentation Guidelines

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Presentation Schedule - Oral Presentation Time: 8 min. Presentation & 2 min. Q&A (Please be punctual)
- Please check your oral session schedule link as below. [Click]
Language - English
Basic Rules - Presentation Slide Ratio: 16:9 screen format
- Font: Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (special fonts might be changed to a default font)
* If you don’t use a basic font, the contents of the file may look broken in the Preview Room & Session Room.
PPT Template [Download]
It is highly recommended that all speakers use the LMCE 2022 PPT template.
Copyright Agreement - LMCE2022 Copyright Agreement [Download]
- Go to submit the agreement [Click]
  • - A dual monitor and a mouse will be provided on the speaker podium. (A keyboard is not available)
Slide Note Guidelines
  • - We provide a slide note function so that you can see the script in the PPT.
  • - With a dual monitor installed on top of the speaker’s podium in the session room. A speaker sees their own slides on one monitor and slide notes on the other.
  • - Speakers who want to use their personal laptops must inform the secretariat in advance and the speaker should test the laptop in advance in the session room to see if it works well during break time before the session room. (In this case, the slide note monitor is not available.
  • - Presenters must come to the Preview Room at least 1 hours before the session begins to submit their presentation materials.
  • - Please notify the staffs in the preview room, if the slides contain any videos or sounds.
Preview Room
  • - Location: 3F Lobby behind the elevators
  • - Operation Hours:
    October 26 (Wed.) 09:00-17:30
    October 27 (Thu.) 07:00-18:00
    October 28 (Fri.) 07:00-16:00